Canvas Tote Bag
Canvas Tote Bag
Canvas Tote Bag
Canvas Tote Bag

Canvas Tote Bag


Hand Made Canvas Tote Bag

Our canvas tote bag is made using the same 10.10oz canvas material as our tents and will outlast most other totes on the market.  This bag is large enough to use at the grocery store (to avoid the cost of plastic bags) or to pack up everything you need for the beach, or to carry all your essentials when on a camping trip in one of our tents.  The handle is the perfect length to be carried by hand or slung over your shoulder if needed.

Interested in personalizing this bag for yourself or your company?  Please reach out for additional information on custom logos in either leather or screen printed.  We can also make this tote bag in a variety of colors and weights if you want something that stands out amongst the rest.


Specifications : 

Material : 10.10oz Natural/Colorless Canvas, mold/mildew/water resistant

Handle : 1" polypropylene webbing handle, rises 11" from the top of the bag

Logo : Genuine leather logo stamped with Colorado Tent / Denver Tent

Dimensions : 16" Height, 15" Width, 9.5" Depth 

Material Canvas
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